Sunday, June 28, 2009
AcHok The pic shown above is my fren.. my close fren. His real name is shukor dan name nick dia is Achok.. itz quite a long time i haven't got to see hym since 2007 dua to some cases he do... skrg ni 2009 baru dia jatuh sentence da berapa lama dia pat dalam sane dari 2007 smpai skrg setakat nak tunggu sentence dia jatuh.. haiz.. i know how he feel coz i feel it before.... When sape sape dengan dia.. dia tak perna stop buat kelakak dia and all stuff he always make ppl surround him happy... he is my great fren dat i ever had... and all the memories and all the good time dat i spend wif him.. all still in my mind until now.. tak perna pun ter fikir untuk melupakan semue tu.... Today monday 29th.. he will be sentence to high court due to the case dat was pending all along untill now.. (sorry i cant tell you guys wat he did) Mcm tak percaya all my bestfren or my childhood fren will be in this state y?? ini ke balasan keatas orang orang jahat like us? ini ke dugaan diberi allah untuk kite menempuh semue ni?.. da terlalu banyak aku ilang kawan kawan aku.. maybe i will lose him today.. or maybe not... if he found guilty he will be sentence to death... if not maybe he will life sentence i can't see all my fren go just like dat... one by one has gone... asl la siksa aku ni mcm... stress otak aku... fuck!!! haiz... skrg ni all i can do is to doa... harap panjangkan umur dia... harap dapat sentence yang renggan sikit.. haiz otak blank ah... im gonna miss him badly seriously... i hope you are ok in there... if u were sentence to death... one day maybe i will join u all my fren down there... kalau itu la perjalanan kite.. lau itu la tertulis.. i will do it... watever happen you will always be my brother.. u will always be in my heart... stay strong my brother haixxx.... Ya 'allah
Labels: Im reli beyond control